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Motion analysis in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2022-12-13Updated:2022-12-13
Similar words: function analysisoperation analysissimulation analysiscorrelation analysisdecision analysison analysisregression analysisoperational analysis
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1) Motion analysis has a wide range of application perspective, including military, security and video data compression.
2) With extended Kalman filter, target motion analysis of the system is discussed.
3) The velocity curve of mold is got through motion analysis . Some key problems are described too.
4) Target motion analysis ( TMA ) is an important problem for sonar.
5) This paper introduced the principle of exponent product method and its application on the motion analysis of spatial closed-chain mechanism.
6) With the algorithm of extend Kalman filter,( analysis.html) the target motion analysis is discussed.
7) By means of the topological graph, the linear equations of all fundamental circuits arc established and a motion analysis is carried out after those linear equations have been solved.
8) We can carry out three - dimension reconstruction and motion analysis if the camera is correctly calibrated.
9) Based on the analysis of Rolling Shaping Process and the motion analysis of metal strip we developed the mechanical structure and control system of a new type rolling machine of R transformer core.
10) I can analyze the engine phase of distribution and simple finite element by UG motion analysis.
11) By means of fundamental circuit of the topologic graph, the equation of fundamental circuit was established and a motion analysis was carried out on the gear train.
12) Furthermore, it applies the splitting window method into realizing the human motion analysis.
More similar words: function analysisoperation analysissimulation analysiscorrelation analysisdecision analysison analysisregression analysisoperational analysisfunctional analysisdimensional analysisthree-dimensional analysispattern analysisasymptotic analysisfinancial analysisbreak-even analysisratio analysisanalysisfinancial statement analysisinternal analysismarginal analysisbioanalysistask analysisjob analysisin the final analysislogic analysisself-analysisdata analysiscase analysisanalysis modecost analysis
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